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Most Common Question Asked During Orthodontic Treatment

Most Common Question Oyster Bay NY

Is it what can I eat? How do I brush?

No… When do I get my braces off?

While most patients are always eager to start treatment, they are even more eager to get them off. Even though each patient is given an estimated treatment time wearing braces when they start, patients always hope we can wave our magic wands and complete the process sooner.

It makes sense that a patient may assume they are ahead of schedule when their teeth look straight in a mirror. Unfortunately, orthodontics isn’t just about straight teeth. The ultimate goal of good orthodontic treatment result is a beautiful smile as well as a healthy bite that lasts a lifetime. (more…)

Decalcification – Common Causes Of White Spots After Wearing Braces

Decalcification white spots Oyster Bay NYChalky, opaque-looking white spots on the teeth are not uncommon today. Maybe you have them or perhaps you’ve seen them on the teeth of friends or family. Many things can cause white spots on the teeth. They can be a factor of nutrition, genetics, an excess of fluoride intake at a young age, or poor oral hygiene.

When undergoing orthodontic treatment, white spots can develop if plaque is allowed to remain “around the brackets and along the gum line” for an extended period of time without proper brushing and flossing. Good oral hygiene is critical during treatment. Since the bonding material that glues the bracket to each tooth creates an air-tight seal, you seldom see white marks underneath the braces but around the braces and along the gum line after braces are removed. (more…)

Sensitive Teeth – The Root Of The Matter

Different Layers of teethAre you experiencing tooth sensitivity? Hot or cold temperatures, sweet or sour foods and drinks, and deep cavities or fillings often trigger this problem. Sensitivity is a common dilemma and an estimated 45 million Americans are victims! If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, sensitivity is also not at all uncommon.

Sensitive teeth normally occur when the enamel on the outside of the tooth wears away exposing the dentin layer of the tooth. The dentin layer is very porous with tubes that run to the nerve center. When exposed, the tubes react to changes in temperature and different foods.

During orthodontic treatment, the discomfort a patient experiences are due to the pressure that is placed on your teeth by the braces. This level of discomfort varies from patient to patient. The sensitivity is not permanent and will only last a few days. At Oyster Bay Orthodontics, we educate our patients on how to reduce this sensitivity to enhance a more pleasant orthodontic treatment experience. However, if you aren’t wearing braces, below are some common causes of tooth sensitivity. (more…)

Mouthguard – Worth Its Weight In Gold

Mouthguard Oyster Bay NYAny child active in contact sports should think about using a mouthguard to protect their teeth, mouth, and jaw. The use of a mouthguard is very similar to the use of orthodontic technology as they both share the ideas of keeping someone’s smile safe and intact.

At Oyster Bay Orthodontics we use these same ideas to keep our patients healthy and happy! (more…)

The Truth About Wisdom Teeth

Do Wisdom Teeth cause crowding of your front teeth?

How many times have you heard this? Did you know this all started after a paper was written on by an orthodontist over 50 years ago?

In 1961, orthodontist Dr. Leroy Vego published an article, “A Longitudinal Study of Mandibular Arch Perimeter” which examined the role of wisdom teeth on lower front tooth crowding. This study was run over six years with patients from ages 13 to 19. He reported that there was a significantly greater degree of crowding in patients with wisdom teeth. Dr. Vego concluded: “that the erupting lower third molar can exert a force on approximating teeth.”

Wisdom teeth eruption by age


Sensitive Teeth? Here Is Why

Sensitive teeth Oyster Bay NYSensitive teeth…Have you ever experienced sensitivity in your teeth when drinking hot coffee or eating ice cream? How about when brushing your teeth? Ever wonder why this happens? Most of the time it is due to enamel wear of teeth. When this happens, the dentin (sensitive part of the tooth) is exposed and left vulnerable to all kinds of painful experiences, depending upon how severe.

When the dentin loses the protection of hard enamel, the nerves under the tooth are less protected, triggering pain whenever it is hit with a hot or cold temperature. So, how do you fix this problem? When even brushing causes intense pain and even damage to sensitive teeth, how are you supposed to keep protected against sensitivity? (more…)

Should Parents Worry If Baby Teeth Aren’t Falling Out?

Baby Teeth Not Falling OUt Oyster Bay NYWhen parents visit Oyster Bay Orthodontics, it is not uncommon for them to worry if their child’s baby teeth do not fall out on time. Infants rollover, sit, walk, and talk at different stages of their development. The same is true when your child is losing baby teeth. There are some developmental issues which require professional attention, but in general, what should parents expect when their kids start losing baby teeth? (more…)

Love Your Smile On Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day Oyster Bay NYOn Valentine’s Day 2018, loving your smile is incredibly easy. Orthodontic treatment is the perfect way to treat that special someone to the gift of a new smile. Or…treat yourself to that perfect smile you have always wanted. There is no way to measure the happiness derived from a healthy, stunning smile.

A bright, beautiful smile can work wonders on your social life and even your career. Straight teeth can also benefit your health by giving you an effective bite and the ability to chew efficiently and also assist in keeping your gums and teeth healthy. Are you unhappy with your current smile? Are your teeth crooked or crowded or do you have uneven spacing? (more…)

Is This Space Taken? – Missing Teeth

Missing teeth Everyone wants a full, toothy smile, but some people are missing teeth through no fault of their own. Whenever you see a person missing teeth, you probably assume that they have lost them somewhere along the line, either through an accident or neglect. However, that is not always true.

At Oyster Bay Orthodontics we sometimes see patients that are missing teeth because they failed to develop due to a family hereditary condition. Other times, the “missing” tooth isn’t really missing at all; it’s hidden underneath bone and gum tissue because it’s blocked or impacted by other teeth. In either situation, space must be created or closed, depending upon circumstances, to improve the bite and aesthetics. If not, then other teeth will gradually drift into the spaces, creating a bite problem and misaligned teeth. Luckily, both problems can be treated with orthodontics. (more…)

Here Are 8 Reasons To Smile In 2018

8 Reasons To Smile In 2018 Oyster Bay NY“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

Depending on what stage you are in of orthodontic treatment, smiling may be the last thing you want to do. Whether you’re just starting with braces or Invisalign or near the very end, your confidence may have taken a tumble. With a new year comes a new mindset and we’ve got 8 reasons to expose your beautiful smile to the world in 2018:

1. Smiles are contagious. Studies have shown that people have a difficult time frowning when someone else is smiling at them. In fact, they couldn’t help but smile themselves. Make a habit throughout the year to compliment the people you meet with a smile and watch them pay it forward. (more…)